Weekly Meal Prep Ideas + Spring Coupon
Looking for some ideas for next week's meal prep?
Here are some of my faves! The following are wonderful ideas to keep yourself nourished and energized throughout the week, while keeping things simple in the kitchen.
"Breakfast Salad": Vegetables + protein + fat.
Vegetables: Steamed or roasted veggies, nutrient-rich greens (steamed, sauteed, quick roast), or a slaw.
Protein: Organic sausage, egg (boiled, fried, scrambled).
Fat: Nuts, avocado, olive oil, pesto/aioli, goat butter.
Bone broth breakfast: Heat bone broth. Poach eggs, add greens or other veg & nuts if you like. Season with salt.
Lunch / Snacking
Protein: Salmon (wild smoked), bison or lamb burgers or meatballs, organic lunch meats, pulled organic rotisserie chicken.
Fat: Organic nuts, coconut vinaigrette, tahini dressing, goat butter (for cooking veggies and meat).
Cheeses: Sheep, goat, raw cow (all best if organic).
Nourishing Dinner
Simple. Protein & veggies.
Protein: Lamb, bison, wild fish, organic chicken, duck breast.
Veggies: Simple salads, steamed or roasted veggies.
Cauliflower rice as a grain.
Extras for love: goat butter, lemon, aioli, avocado, nuts, good olive oil, balsamic vinegar.
Bonus tip: Have 1-2 sauces in the fridge at all times to make veggies and meats more interesting!
Pictured is my Quick Indian Chicken Curry.
Special offer:
Find this and 110 nutrient-dense, simple and mouthwatering recipes in my paleo cookbook, Heartful Kitchen. It's friendly to special diets and features a healing toolbar to support those of us on healing diets.
Use coupon code NOURISHINGSPRING for 25% off until May 1, only on my website. This applies to paperbacks, hardbacks and ebooks.
I’m hoping this can support you with healthy home cooking during these complex times.
Let me know if you have any questions.