Delicious Recipes To Increase Methylation
You may have heard of methylation and why it’s such an area of focus for health-conscious individuals!
And if you haven’t, let me tell you a bit about this important body function, and how it contributes to your health and vitality.
“The process of methylation is the equivalent of a multitude of on and off switches in your body that on/off switches that control everything from your stress response and how your body makes energy from food, to your brain chemistry and detoxification.”
Methylation impacts:
your stress response
your energy levels
your response to inflammation
your ability to naturally detoxify
the balance of your brain chemistry
and much more!
For more information on methylation, read this simple and informative article from Mind Body Green.
Today, as my gift to you, I want to share with you 4 recipes from my cookbook Heartful Kitchen that support methylation and as a result, will enhance your health and energy on many levels!
In addition, here is a list of nutrients/paleo foods that increase methylation in the body:
Folate: chickpeas, lentils, leafy greens (e.g., spinach, kale, collards, mustard greens, bok choy), strawberries, and citrus (e.g., grapefruit, oranges, lemons)
Vitamin B6: grass-fed beef, pistachios, avocado, blackstrap molasses, tuna, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds
Vitamin B12: fish, organic meats, seaweed (laver and nori), eggs
Methionine: Brazil nuts are a super source, while other excellent to good sources include sesame seeds, tuna, eggs
Choline (which oxidizes to a methyl called betaine, aka trimethylglycine (TMG)): beets, Brussel sprouts, broccoli, liver, eggs, raw cauliflower, cooked beet greens, cooked asparagus
DMG: pumpkin seeds
DMAE: anchovies, salmon, sardines
SAM-e: although there are no direct food sources of SAM-e, it is a compound made from methionine (see above), so it is acquired indirectly
Enjoy these delicious healthy recipes that will give your health a boost! Your body will thank you.
Happy cooking!