5 Healthy Ways to Nourish Energy and Sustain It


Tired on a Monday?

Try these 5 healthy ways to nourish energy and sustain it.

1. Ditch coffee.

Try adaptogenic herbs such as the delicious Rasa!

Use my code CHEFMARIA15 for 15% off! (valid for first-time users)

Coffee crashes are real. Rasa supports your energy.

If you're not ready to ditch coffee, add Rasa and it will support your adrenals and energy flow throughout the day. Rasa also has a Dirty Rasa product with a bit of coffee in it, and it's delicious.

I'm FINALLY on the Rasa bandwagon and loving it. If you're not familiar with Rasa, Rasa is a Boulder-based company specializing in sustainable adaptogenic herb-based delicious coffee alternatives started by Lopa van der Mersch in 2018. These products come from her heart, and her experience. Read her story on Rasa's website. She's a total badass and I think the world of her.

Rasa has a tasty and deeply nourishing line of products including a line of AIP-friendly products. Their adaptogenic coffee alternative allows you to drink infused "superherbs that help you be less of a stress-case and provide vital calm energy all day."

Now, who doesn't want that?

Coffee works for some, and not at all for others. Coffee works all the time for some, and only sometimes for others. Regardless, Rasa is a drink that you NEED to know about, if you don't already.

I truly believe that everyone needs Rasa in their life. I'm drinking it daily and reaping the benefits. My energy is more steady, and my presence is noticeably calmer overall. Thank you Lopa and Rasa!

Check out all of their offerings, varieties, flavors, and such. You can't go wrong. And use my code CHEFMARIA15 for 15% off! (valid for first-time users)

holistic health

2. Turn on the mitochondria.

When you wake up, create a good pocket of stillness and/or stretching, and then make time for a 15-20 minute simple weight-bearing exercise sequence to get your body and metabolism moving!

Try a brisk walk, push-ups/sit-ups and light weights, strength-based yoga, etc.

Switch up the order of short exercise and stillness/stretch and see what works best for you!

You can also apply a similar technique of brief exercise to awaken the energy body.


3. Hydrate.

Drink plenty of water and electrolytes throughout the day.

When cells and tissues aren't properly hydrated, fatigue sets in.

paleo lifestyle

4. Rest.

Of course, we need our nightly rest. Some folks can scoot on by with 7 hours, and others need 9.

We also need short rest breaks during the day. If you work at the computer most of the day, take 5-10 minute breaks to stand, walk, lay down with your feet up, etc. Getting some fresh air is the best break.

Oftentimes folks find their breaks searching social media or the web. However, their brains don't get time to rest.

Set a time for breaks, and step away from the screen. Your eyes and your brain will thank you, and you'll emerge re-energized.


5. Timing of carbs/protein/fat!

When we eat our food matters. Natural carbohydrates prior to exercising are energizing. For example sweet potato, apple, or coconut water.

Eat or drink protein immediately after for healthy recovery. In the late evening, if hungry, enjoy a bit of extra fat like avocado or nut or seed butter, as it assists with relaxing the body and mind and making it easier to rest.

Full meals are complete with protein, fat, and carbs, when sourced from plants and animal protein. Eat a diverse diet from real food, and steer clear of processed foods.

Your energy will rise, as your body thrives with food it can recognize!