December Deep Dive: Dance as Meditation
Creativity is born in the unconscious. The month of December and the time of the Winter Solstice offers us a potential for stillness. Let us not be too hasty to rush toward the light. A blanket of darkness wraps us sweetly in its stillness, and we turn in on ourselves.
“In traditions of old, Dark is valued so deeply as necessary in its cyclical and spiraling dance with the Light. We need Light’s kinship with Darkness.”
To access creativity, connecting with physical movement is so integrative and supportive, no matter how you express your unique creativity.
In this Deep Dive, we will explore dance as a mindfulness practice and focus on sensation to consciously deepen our experience. We will practice together each week, exploring freedom in dance to allow us to sink in to our own unique dance style.
We will create choreography over the 4 weeks in collaboration and will learn how to use breath and the elements (fire, air, earth, water) to energize, strengthen, detoxify, harmonize, and ground us.
By the end of the 4 weeks, you will have tools to practice your dance meditation at home, connecting to your own primal rhythm through breath and conscious presence.
No dance or SoulSweat experience is necessary, just a love of music and movement and a desire to explore your dance on a deeper level.
Practical details:
Dates: Saturdays in December 12/5, 12/12, 12/19, 1/2
Time: 2:45 PM - 4:45 PM
Class level: All
Style: Meditative, free movement, exploratory
Location: Indoors, in-person only
Class size: Class is capped at 12 dancers (minimum of 7)
Cost: Member Discount: $120
Non Members: $150COVID info:
Mask is required for all indoor activities
Please maintain 6 ft of distance between participants
Please stay home if you are not feeling well, test positive for COVID, or are exposed to someone directly who tests positive.
Regular classes:
I'm continuing to teach SoulSweat at 11:00 AM Sundays, and 5:30 PM Wednesdays virtually and in-person. Check out Alchemy to reserve your spot. I love to see you there!
Additionally, I will be leading a SoulSweat training in February or March. Stay tuned for details!